Buy Original CNaVT Certificate without exam
Here, you can Buy original CNaVT Certificate without exam from realdocuments24 with ease. The Dutch as a Foreign Language Certificate or CNaVT (Certificate Nederlands als Vreemde Taal) is the certificate for people outside the Netherlands who wish to learn Dutch. This certificate may be required in order to apply for a Dutch residence permit or Dutch citizenship.
These exams are set and marked by an external institution, under the auspices of the Nederlandse Taalunie. They are open to both UCL students and Dutch language learners from outside the college, who would like to obtain an official qualification. Buy original CNaVT Certificaat without exam.
What is it?
The exams cater for different language levels and areas of interest; they cover all skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and are quite extensive. If you pass, you receive a certificate that is widely recognised by Dutch and Flemish organisations and educational institutions. The exam is offered on five levels / domains, based on the CEFR levels (Common European Framework for Languages). Buy original CNaVT Certificaat without exam
The CNaVT exam consists of three parts:
Part A, where the tasks are based on audio fragments.
Part B, which tests reading and writing proficiency.
Part C, which is an oral test based on a one-to-one conversation between teacher and student.
All the exams are sent to the University of Leuven where trained examiners mark them in June. Candidates are informed of the results in July and receive a certificate if they have passed.
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